Monday, October 15, 2012


Marathon Training Week 5
Miles Ran: 18
Long Run: 12 miles
Cross-training: Still sucking at this.

Pros: I did the 12 miler. Seriously, I'm just so glad I actually did it. We had a wonderful wedding to attend on Friday with some delish free wine I was not about to say no to. So I indulged and told myself I'd just run Sunday instead of Saturday. But we still kind of indulged on Saturday. So it took me forever to wake up on Sunday and I didn't manage to start my run until after 10am. On a clear, warm, muggy day in Texas. I thought I was going to die. My pace was abysmal. But I did it.
Cons: We're still indulging too much. And I got a sunburn from my run. I swear to goodness - I start hitting all the right spots with my Body Glide and my body still finds some way to punish me. There was not a cloud in the sky, so I got good and toasted.

Tunes: It continues.
Talkies: My normal TV lineup, plus I started watching Nashville. Also watched The Descendants and Audition. Both a little sad, really. I need to find me a good comedy.

Favorite Recipe: I'm going to cheat on this one because we really didn't follow the plan well last week at all. But last night we made Paleo Plan's Lascaux Chicken Waldorf Salad for our lunches today and it is super tasty!
Lascaux Chicken Waldorf Salad

This salad has a sweet and salty combination and is also packed with protein and vitamins. Best served  shortly after being prepared. Makes lunch for two.

Approximate cooking time: 15-20 minutes.

2 (4-6 oz) chicken breasts, cooked and diced
1 large tart apple, cored and diced
1 large stalk celery, chopped
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup omega-3 mayonnaise

1) In a medium bowl, combine chicken, apple, celery, and walnuts. Set aside.
2) In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, lime juice, and honey and mix until well blended.
3) Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper if desired.
4) Spoon dressing over chicken and toss to coat completely. If making salad ahead of time, keep chicken mixture and dressing separate until just before eating.

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